
艺术 & 数字媒体部


艺术 & 数字媒体

Completely renovated and expanded Steel Plant

钢铁厂照片 的 programs of the Department of 艺术 and 数字媒体 give students the opportunity to develop as artists, 设计师, 数字媒体创作者, 和学者 in facilities that support both traditional media, such as 绘画 and 雕塑, and the latest developments in new media.

从2019年春季开始, the programs are housed in the newly renovated and expanded Steel Plant, with four state-of-the-art digital labs, new traditional media studios, a MakerLab for advanced 3-D and large format 2-D printing, as well as an interior garden with café and gallery that exhibits regional and international artists as well as the work of our students.

的 Department’s degrees offer both a strong foundation and the opportunity to explore several specializations.

我们的 数字媒体学士, which was one of the first offered in the nation, is designed for students to study, 在深度上, a new field that is transforming the visual arts under the guidance of recognized artists, 设计师, and 数字媒体 professionals. Courses in design (both print and web), 动画(2D和3D), 数码摄影, and multimedia authoring prepare students for an ever-evolving field. 

In 工作室艺术, students can choose either the BA in 美术: Studio or the more intensive BS in 工作室艺术.  Both combine a broad based training in the visual arts with a traditional liberal arts education. Students can investigate a wide range of courses in drawing, 绘画, 平面设计, 雕塑, 摄影, 数字媒体, 和版画. 

的 美术学士:艺术史 explores the rich history of the visual arts, beginning with drawings in prehistoric caves to the pyramids of Egypt to today’s global contemporary art.



International study is one of the hallmarks of our programs. 的re are many opportunities to study abroad through our wide range of semester-long programs and short-term abroad courses. 我们的 students are encouraged to extend their studies across the globe, in exciting locations like Great Britain, 爱尔兰, 法国, 西班牙, 澳大利亚, 和日本. 

艺术, 艺术历史, and 数字媒体 students can also choose to spend a semester, 一年, 或者在我们的四年 位于意大利佛罗伦萨的校园. Housed in the historic center of Florence, the campus has twelve buildings with an impressive range of facilities. Working alongside international artists, 设计师, 和学者, our students have the opportunities to not only immerse themselves in Renaissance culture but also explore both traditional and 数字媒体, as well as specialized courses in jewelry making, 陶瓷, 以及艺术史. 

Video: Venice Biennale Program

We also offer two additional four-year degrees exclusively at our Italy campus. 的 自然保育学学士学位 provides the extraordinary opportunity to study and apprentice with masters of restoration, while working on centuries old original art. Students in the BFA in Interior Design work with international professionals to explore design, concept development and presentation. A graduate program, the 博物馆学硕士* (程序当前处于暂停状态) is also offered entirely at our Florence campus. All courses at the Italy Campus are taught in English.

实习 and 校友 Success

关闭r to home is our excellent internship program. Students gain valuable work experience in the Hudson Valley, New York City, and beyond. 我们的一个新项目, 曼哈顿的bet亚洲365欢迎投注, places students in semester-long internships while they live in New York City.

Because of our location in the Hudson Valley, less than two hours away from New York City and the Berkshires, the Department is able to take advantage of the many talented professionals living nearby and eager to share their experiences with students in public lectures or the class room. Field trips to some of the most important venues for global art are only a short bus or train ride away. 

With a combination of a strong foundation and advanced study, along with extraordinary opportunities, the graduates of the Department of 艺术 and 数字媒体 have an excellent record of 成功 in both graduate school and in their careers.